Guests should click on the 'Recent news' link to see records from the current and previous days.  SBSG members can access records from the whole of the past year, as well as those listed by birding site; if you are interested in seeing these records and other members-only material please visit 'About us'. 

Note that these reports are largely unverified and from a variety of sources. Records are listed here in order to give a complete picture of interesting recent sightings. Appearance on the web site does not guarantee the accuracy of records, nor their addition to the SBSG data-base nor subsequent publication in the annual "Birds in the Sheffield Area".

Records of species requiring a full supporting description to enable assessment at the appropriate [local, county or national] level will be highlighted in red within the text.

Further details and a full list of such 'description' species can be found here along with guidance on submitting your Description Form.


The main design focus here has been minimum and easy input, so the website contains a database of many hundreds of sites, which will appear as you type in the 'Site' field, so 'thr' will list almost instantly display Thrybergh Banks, CP, Park, Res, Tip for you to select from.  If you continue typing 'thr...ough Hope second field on left by white cottage', then that's what will go in the Site field.

There is also a Species database, which also uses the 'type-ahead' principle, but without the free-text entry.  'Email' can be filled in automatically by your browser if you've enabled it.

 So to enter records for a single site:

  • first complete the Site/Date/Name/email fields
  • then enter your first species seen at the site - minimally name and count.  Comments on age, sex, direction of flight (with time of day), unusual behaviour etc are a very useful addition, as is completion of 'Activity code' - generally for breeding records only.  You can also tag the record as 'Confidential' if, for example, the species or the site are particularly sensitive, and you can upload a photo of the bird for possible inclusion in Recent News.
  • Click 'Next record' and repeat species entry until complete.

If you visited additional sites, simply change the site name and continue as above.  Similarly, you could enter data for several visits to a single site by changing only the date.  When you've entered all your records close the session by clicking on any menu item.

As you go through the fields you'll see that most have 'Help' text which appears to the right of the form, so that you don't need to return to this page.


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