Meetings and trips

Indoor meetings are now held in the Sheffield University 'The Diamond' building on Leavygreave Road S3 7RD (opposite St George''s Church) Lecture Theatre 2, on the second Wednesday of each month (except June, July and August) and include: an illustrated talk by an ornithologist of local or national standing, news of forthcoming events, features on identification and local habitats and recent bird news from the Sheffield area.

Meetings start at 7:15pm prompt (unless stated otherwise) and finish by 9:30pm, and are free to members; non-members welcome, a £2 fee applies for temporary membership.


2025 Programme of meetings are as follows:

Roy Twigg & the SBSG Committee





January 8th              

Kim Leyland       

Ring Ouzels in the Peak District                        Via MS Teams only
February 12th Ros Green Shelduck Migration and Wind Farms The Diamond LT2
March 12th Andy Deighton 

Review of the Year 2024 & SBSG AGM.

The Diamond LT2 & Via MS Teams  
April 9th

John Mead &

Kim Leyland

The Eastern Moors Partnership  The Diamond LT2       
May 14th Chet Cunago

Swifts : The Challanges they face in Sheffield's urban landscape

and solutions to reverse their decline.

The Diamond LT2       

September 10th

Steve Stansfield  Bardsey Island  Via MS Teams only   
October 8th Pete Brown Bound from Valparaiso round the Horn  The Diamond LT2   
November 12th Pete Garrity  Barn Owls - The Inside Story  The Diamond LT2      

December 10th

Tim Birkhead  Birds and Us  The Diamond LT2       




The SBSG Committee reserves the right to amend the programme and/or make a small admission charge as necessary, giving as much notice as circumstances allow. 

Parking for Indoor Meetings

You will now require a staff Car Parking Permit to park in any of the University car parks. Therefore there is no visitor parking in University car parks. The University do have the Q Park on Durham Road now open and there are special evening and weekend rates in place that can be found online here.

Local field meetings for 2025: 

Late Feb/early March Upper Derwent Valley Raptors
April Orgreave Lakes - Waders & Wagtails Waders and Wagtails
May Padley Gorge Spring Migrants
June Hallam Moors Crepuscular Creep Nightjars and Owls
October Redmires Reservoirs Visible Migration

Local field trips are free to members; non-members welcome, a £2 fee applies for temporary membership.

The SBSG Committee reserves the right to amend the programme as necessary, giving as much notice as circumstances allow.


Foreign Bird Trip Register

At a previous indoor meeting it was suggested that the membership had a wealth of knowledge and expertise around birding trips abroad. Yet that is not widely shared except when a local member gives a talk on one of their trips.

Please visit here for examples of recent trips abroad. I would suggest contributions from the last 6 years with details on the type of holiday eg family, or specific birding together with tour company /tour guide used. Contact details will be provided by those willing to share any inside info on their trip.

If anyone is willing to have their experiences logged in such a way can they contact Neil Porter on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and he will update the spreadsheet for the IT team at intervals.

As an aside it might also reveal some willing speakers for a short talk in the future although that is of course entirely voluntary.
